Build A Better Backside

Build A Better Backside ~Scottsdale Personal Trainer Jeremy Scott“Back Wins The Show” – Jay Cutlerscottsdale personal trainer I am a bro at heart; I grew up on bodybuilding the Jay Cutler vs. Ronnie Coleman was during my young impressionable years. Prior to that I was a young kid watching Arnold in everything from Predator to the Terminator you name it if Arnold was in it I watched it.The point I am driving at is, I was always amazed by how these guys looked, they were larger than life to a kid like me. Now I know we all love the “show muscles” chest, abs, jacked arms that’s a given Jay, Ronnie and Arnold all had them. However they also had some of the most amazing “GO MUSCLES” yes you read that right I said “GO MUSCLES”. These are literally the muscles that help you move faster through life – your backside aka your posterior chain. Not to mention having a strong defined back does wonders for how your physique looks, a nice added bonus to say the least.That’s right your backside is the driving force behind the athlete in you literally. I would argue that your posterior chain is the biggest influence on your ability to move your body through space. Meaning your backside is the prime mover pushing you forward through life when you walk, jog, skip, shuffle and sprint.That alone should a good enough reason to train your backside and train it often. To break it down simple stupid terms I am talking about your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and back when I say posterior chain.If you want to get your science on here are the textbook terms –Main functions and muscles include:

  • Multifidus (spine support)
  • Erector Spinae (back and spinal extension)
  • Gluteal Muscles (hip extensors, femoral rotation)
  • Hamstring Muscles (hip extension, knee flexion)
  • Gastrocnemius or Calf (plantar flexes ankle, knee flexion)
  • External Obliques (back and spine support, in tandem with anterior core)

 Remember this phrase next time you guys are designing a training program or going into your training sessions – it’s the big muscles we can’t see that make us the athletes we are – back, hamstrings, glutes.Often times we get so obsessed with that we can readily see in the mirror arms, chest, shoulders, legs we neglect our backside in the process. For the average couch to athlete trainee a good rule of thumb would be to train your posterior chain at a ratio of 2:1 from your anterior. Meaning for every set of bench you do you are hitting two sets of deadlifts for example. This ensures you are giving your backside the much-needed love it deserves.So, what are the best exercises to work your backside? Below are just a few of my favorites. If you want to see them in live action jump over to our YouTube by clicking here and check them out. We are adding videos weekly so there are always new fun ideas popping up for you guys to checkout.

  1. Sprinting
  2. Hip Thrusts –Glute Bridges
  3. Deadlifts
  4. KB Swings
  5. Zercher Squats
  6. Goblet Loaded Split Squats
  7. Pull Ups – TRX Row Variations
  8. Sled Pushes

These are just a few of my favorite best bang for your buck backside exercises you can start integrating into your current training program. If nothing else you will come to find by training your backside properly you will become stronger, feel better, and look the part of an athlete. As Jay Cutler put it so simply years ago “Back Wins The Show” enjoy and have fun with these next time you guy’s train.jeremy scott fitness Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness 


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