Success? What does it look like to you? Jeremy Scott Fitness

I came across this photo the other day and it really sparked something inside me to think about what success really is to me and my life……. 

So I wanted to touch on something really quick not 100% fitness related here about success in your life and how we as a society tend to judge it.

We as a society typically measure success by…

Job title – Receptionist vs. CEO

Level of Education – High School Diploma vs. PhD

Neighborhood we live in and home value – $150,000  vs. $1.5 million

Vehicle Make-Model-Year – 91 Ford Escort  vs. 2013 Ferrari

Income Level – $20,000 per year vs. $200,000 per year

The list of these things goes on and on you get the idea…..

Now for a few of us that don’t place such high value on those things, we measure success by……..

The real friends we have…

The family truly that loves us…

The amount we give back to others less fortunate…

Our personal health…

The happiness we feel each day…

And just the overall quality of our life and the people fortunate enough to share it with us!

To me the happiness you share with the ones closest to you is the true measure of success, no matter what type of house I buy, the finishes, appliances, the car I drive, style, year, color, no amount of financial gains, no personal victories fitness related or otherwise measure success in my life.

Now I am not saying you can’t have a balance of both or have it all if you value it, this is simply my opinion and nothing else!  You may disagree with me, but when I sit back and really look at everything I have, my relationships and my personal health/happiness -those things lets me know how successful I truly am!

Christopher McCandless said it best – “Happiness is only real when shared”

May success and happiness find each and everyone of you in any form you desire it!

Jeremy Scott PROLAB Athlete – Jeremy Scott Fitness

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