5 Tips To Burn The Holiday FAT – Jeremy Scott Fitness

5 Tips To BURN That Holiday FAT….FAST!!!


1. You can throw AWAY ALL of the Holiday Junk Foods – you can’t eat what is not there….out of sight out of mind as they say – trust me this works!


2. You can start increasing your fiber intake to 30-40 grams per day. (Most Americans only get 15 or less during the Holidays! This will help clean out pounds of “toxic junk” from your digestive system right away AND help you feel full longer.


3. Start dropping your total sugar intake to 20-30 grams or less per day. Sugar causes belly (and body) fat to form, it lowers your immune system, and it is highly addictive, as you soon rediscovered after the holiday. Lose it and you’ll lose those pesky cravings, too…the 1st day or so is the hardest but after the reset you will be just fine.


4. Start drinking a gallon of water a day or more-  to help flush your system and to improve your natural calorie-burning metabolism. If you aren’t properly hydrated you won’t burn the fat as fast as you could…..so start drinking!


5. Come in Saturday at 8am and 9am for a $10 Drop-In Workout –  join me Saturday at 8am or a 9am to burn some Holiday Fat and reset your body on the right track. Or call me to join our fitness program starting in January – Boot Camps, Small Groups, and Personal Training spots are still open we also offer various online options!!!


Kick Ass and let’s get a jump start on 2013!!

Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness – PROLAB Athlete 

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