Charity Camp February 16th – Team John March Of Dimes -Jeremy Scott Fitness

Join Jeremy Scott Fitness & Team John on February 16th at 8am or 9am

For a Charity Camp to Save The Babies!!!

100% of the proceeds will go to The March Of Dimes and Team John 

Bring your friends/family in to get a kick ass workout and help this amazing cause!

For more information or to join Team John, visit –


– Learn more about the Team John Story –

On November 30, 2005 our lives were changed forever when our first child was born 16 weeks premature.  Our son, John, was born weighing 1 pound 8 ounces and was 11 inches long.  He spent 110 long days in the Neonatal ICU where he fought day in and day out to survive.  The doctors prepared us on numerous occasions for his demise but thankfully with the medical breakthroughs of the March of Dimes, the NICU doctors/nurses and the prayers from friends, family and complete strangers around the world, our little boy is a living miracle.


Below is a poem I wrote about our journey in the early years.  If you’d like to continue to follow our story please visit,   – Jill Birtch 




Imagine being told you were pregnant after having a miscarriage the month before.


Imagine hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time.


Imagine being air-vaced to the ER at 24 weeks pregnant, thinking that you have lost your baby.


Imagine being told that you are about to have a C-section, but don’t expect your baby to come out crying.


Imagine lying on an operating table feeling helpless because there is nothing you can do to help your baby.


Imagine your baby being born the size of a ruler, weighing a pound and a half.


Imagine your baby being 100% dependent on a machine to live.


Imagine your wedding ring fitting on your baby’s arm, loosely.


Imagine not being able to hold your baby for weeks.


Imagine getting a call from the doctor at 3:30am because your baby has an air leak in his lungs.


Imagine looking at your baby, praying to God, that he will live another day.


Imagine not being able to breath every time the phone rings.


Imagine your baby having life or death surgery when he is only 8 days old.


Imagine watching your baby being prepped for surgery, not knowing if you will ever see him alive again.


Imagine hearing that your baby has a grade four bi-lateral brain bleed and will have long-term disabilities.


Imagine a doctor encouraging you to take your baby off life support because his quality of life is uncertain.


Imagine praying to God that the doctors are wrong.


Imagine loving your baby so much that their diagnoses means nothing to you.


Imagine crying your self to sleep EVERY night.


Imagine having a baby but going home without one.


Imagine what it feels like not knowing if your baby’s next breath will be his last.


Imagine going to the mall, too afraid to buy baby clothes, because you’re not sure that your baby will live to wear them.


Imagine bringing your baby home, but you can’t take him anywhere because his immune system is too weak.


Imagine being woken up by the sound of your baby’s heart rate monitor going off.


Imagine pumping every two hours because you know breast milk is the best thing for your baby.


Imagine the feeling of hopelessness when your baby will not eat.


Imagine having to feed your baby through a feeding tube.


Imagine trying to stay sane while all this has taken place.


Imagine having a micro preemie.


Can you imagine?


– By Jill Birtch – Team John Mom & Team Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete 

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