Thanks Team John – March Of Dimes – Jeremy Scott Fitness

I just wanted to THANK everyone who came out to support Team John & The March Of Dimes yesterday for this amazing charity workout. You guys never cease to amaze me with your efforts in the gym and your generosity, I am humbled and I mean that in the sincerest way possible to be able to work with you all. I have the greatest job in the world and it’s because of the attitudes and the efforts of you guys. The community you create and the environment you have cultivated are what makes Jeremy Scott Fitness so special, it has little to do with me……it’s all you guys so again thank you I truly can’t say it enough!!! Kick Ass as always!!!

P.S. Raising over $800 is not a bad way to start a Saturday!!!!!

Team John Session # 1

Team John Session # 2

Thank You Guys – Jeremy Scott -Jeremy Scott Fitness 


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