Saturday March 30th 8am & 9am Kade's Charity Workout -Jeremy Scott Fitness

Saturday March 30th 8am & 9am Kade’s Charity Workout -Jeremy Scott Fitness

Join me at Jeremy Scott Fitness for a Charity Workout with Team Kade!!!

We always put together a kick ass workout for this camp every year so please bring your friends and family in if they are looking to start their Saturday off with a BANG and help out another great cause – Thank You all in advance!!!

For those of you who don’t know….

Kade is the son of our very own Team JSF Staff Member Kelly Groff

Kade’s Story 

Kade was born 5 years ago with a typical birth. It wasn’t until he was 6 months old that we discovered he was not meeting his milestones. Kade was not sitting up, and he wasn’t even able to hold his head up on his own. At that time, we endured many tests including CT scans, blood work on numerous occasions, MRI’s and spinal taps. Even after all these tests, we had no definitive answers; everything looked normal, but clearly was not.

With no answers and a lot of hard work ahead, we applied to early intervention and it was through that early intervention that we found Southwest Human Development/Easter Seals. Easter Seals provided us with 2 great therapists and is helping to guide us along our journey. Currently, Kade receives 5 therapies a week: Physical Therapy, 2 Occupational Therapies, Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Thanks to his therapists and Kade’s determination, he has made great developmental progress.

Although Kade cannot speak on his own, he has learned to communicate through eye contact, and facial expressions and is currently learning to use a speech device. Kade is also able to walk with assistance in his walker allowing him to participate in some daily play. Kade has shown nothing but improvement, but has a long way to go. We couldn’t do it without the support of our family and friends and most of all Kade couldn’t do it without his therapists.

Easter Seals provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities like Kade can live, learn, work and play in our communities.

To learn more about Easter Seals and its mission of hope and inclusion, please visit



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