Kathy Wills – Athlete Spotlight – Jeremy Scott Fitness

Let me introduce another Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete Spotlight –

Mother Kathy Willis and her kick ass transformation!!!

Kathy Wills – Member Spotlight – Jeremy Scott Fitness 

I signed up for Jeremy Scott Fitness as a present to myself and started on my 41st birthday – May 8th last year. For the previous couple of years, I had exercised when I found the time – maybe running a mile or two or swimming some laps.  I never really saw physical improvement and running always just made me hungry! I always felt I never had the time (working full time, volunteering and having a husband and 12 yr old daughter) to fit in much exercise.  So after seeing another mom from my daughters school “before and after” photos on JSF’s Facebook page, I decided I could sacrifice 30 minutes of sleep to fit it in in the mornings! I was inspired.

I first signed up with Jeremy to do personal training sessions for the summer because I was too insecure to do the group training sessions. I paid for 2 months to start so I couldn’t change my mind. I remember being humiliated the first day because I fell down during one of the sprints because my legs were so tired and literally thought I would have to pull over on my drive home to throw up! But Jeremy was so encouraging and supportive and never made me feel like a newbie.

After a few weeks, Jeremy gave me a list of foods I should try to eat from.  I remember telling him I didn’t know what half of the things on the list were – foods like quinoa, chia seeds and almond milk! He started me slowly and gave me so much advice and information along the way – never a dumb question. My husband was a huge help in this area and willing to eat these things right along with me.

In July, I joined Jeremy Scott Fitness GLAC (Get Lean Accountability Group) –https://jeremyscottfitness.com/glac-nutrition/ and started tracking my food daily on “My Fitness Pal” – boy was this an education!  Jeremy would give me targets for protein, fat and carbohydrates, then review my food log weekly and give me feedback. Today (9 months later), I still track my food daily and have found it so helpful to really see what I am eating, the macronutrients and not go overboard on any given day.

After 3 months of personal training, I started with the adult group fat loss training –https://jeremyscottfitness.com/bootcamp/ encouragement from Jeremy. I usually go 3 days a week and try to do something active on the off days.  The most important lesson I have learned is that food matters almost more than the exercise for me.  As I was losing weight people would ask me what diet I was doing.  But, I don’t view this as a diet – it’s a permanent way of life!

Jeremy Scott has been such a great role model because he lives exactly what he teaches.  He is literally the perfect example of a healthy lifestyle.  Recently he said my weekly food log resembled how he regularly eats.  That was the biggest compliment I could receive and something I aspired to since I started.  Maybe its all finally starting to sink in!

Today I feel great, have lost 30 pounds and gone from a size 12 to a size 4.  My body fat has decreased by 15 percentage points.  I enjoy shopping for clothes so much more and love being able to try new activities with confidence.  My husband occasionally joins me at the weekend boot camps and my daughter actually loves going to the weekly youth camp. Thanks Jeremy Scott Fitness for changing my life!

Kathy Wills- Age 41- Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete 

Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness -Scottsdale Personal Trainer

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