Where are you originally from? Born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ

How long have you been coming to JSF?

I started JSF in December of 2012 after hearing Shannon Corgan talk for so long about how great it is there. This may sound cliche, but literally the day I turned 40, everything about my body and how it handled food, exercise and weight gain/loss changed. The only word I can use to describe it is that I felt “stuck.” So I’d been exploring and trying to figure out the right place to go with people who are supportive, interested in their clients results and knowledgeable all the way around in regard to workouts plus nutrition.

What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?

Prior to JSF I was and still doing a ton of running. I discovered that I’m not necessarily super “fast,” but I have a lot of endurance and can really hunker down, focus and crank out large distances. I suck at 5Ks but I dabble in marathons and now ultra events (distances longer than marathon) and have even placed in my age group a few times. Most recently in April, I shaved my marathon time at my last race by roughly 40 minutes and placed 3rd in my age group. I totally believe that cross training at JSF along with the running has made me stronger. I’ve been “bootcamp hopping” (via things I found on Living Social or Groupon etc.) for about 2 years now, just waiting for the “right” place to show up. JSF is by far the only place I’d ever considered signing on with. I absolutely need to be accountable and have people around me that actually care if I get results, and I desperately needed to find a great place to go for strength training and all of the other important things that running doesn’t cover. A place I didn’t dread going to, that’s JSF. I also love yoga and a good Zumba class as well.

What do you like best about JSF?

I’ve been through so many bootcamps and there are several things that stuck out to me about JSF right away. First of all, you can’t beat the 30 minute high intensity workouts. I never feel like I’m watching the clock wondering when class will be over, and I always feel like I got an effective workout. Jeremy is the only trainer I’ve come across that takes things several steps further by always mixing up class, staying current and accessible via social media, blogging, getting creative with the various “challenges,” goals, events and groups. It doesn’t get monotonous or boring and I think that’s why there are so many folks at JSF that have worked out there for a long time. There is something for everyone and every need here. For me, joining the accountability group has been super effective. I think about my food choices more carefully now because I have that watchful eye now and so far all of the advice I’ve been given has been effective. There’s a pretty cool community of athletes at JSF as well. I enjoy the sense of camaraderie, and everyone that works out there is serious about it and ready to do the work. I’ve been to plenty of boot camps where people half ass and complain the whole time and it’s totally un-motivating. I’m actually learning and retaining the things that I’m learning at JSF, and that’s huge.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I spend a lot of time training with The Cholla Chicks. I completed my first night-time trail race this weekend out at McDowell Mountain Preserve. 16 miles with only my headlamp and luckily for me no jumping rocks tripped me and only one snake sighting. Up next will be the Imogene Pass Run in Telluride, Co. 17 mile trail run that has you climb up over 13,000 feet. This will be my second time and it’s literally the prettiest place you’ll ever want to die because it’s so taxing on your lungs. I guess I just like a challenge and participating in things that a lot of people would never consider doing. My biggest passion is travel. The farther away, and culturally different from home, the better.


What’s your favorite cheat meal?

I have a really big sweet tooth and I especially love ice cream and chocolate and don’t get me started on cheese. I would marry cheese if I could, but have been really good about lessening my cheese consumption these days.


What is your advice for other members to get great results?

My advice to get great results is that once you find a place you like, stick to it. Allow yourself a few months to really get your body going. Let go of all feelings of self-consciousness, don’t feed the fears and never allow yourself to think that you’re not capable of doing something. We all have to start somewhere and it’s so much fun to not only “see,” but “feel” results.

 Thank you Michelle for your constant hard work and awesome attitude!

We love having you as a JSF Athlete and look forward to helping you achieve the rest of your 2013 fitness goals!!!

-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness-

Scottsdale Personal Trainers – Scottsdale’s Top Fat Loss Team 

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