Happiness is a Journey

Happiness is a Journey  

Please understand that happiness is a journey not a final destination. Loving the game and the process is where you need to find your fulfillment.

Don’t make the mistake of telling yourself “I will be happy when”…

“I finally get six-pack abs, or have that prestigious job title, buy that fancy new car, purchase my “dream house”, reach 100K followers, become a multi millionaire”….

Happiness doesn’t work that way…. at least not for me.

I’ve worked my ass off and been blessed along the way to reach a lot of goals I set out to achieve, and very little if any excitement and enjoyment came from actually reaching the goal.  Happiness has always been found in the process of it, the challenge of it and the craft of it.

Reaching the goals can be fun but often times very deflating, leaving me personally moments later saying, “what’s next?” The only reason I am good at anything or achieve any level of “success” is because I find true happiness in the doing of the work to reach the goals I set out. 

Jeremy Scott Fitness 

Scottsdale Personal Trainer 

Make Success Mandatory ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast 

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