David Jack Episode 500 Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast
The Human Condition with David Jack Episode #500
Click Here to give this episode a listen.Warning: This podcast episode is 0% fitness related, so if you are looking for tips on your squat or how to get ripped this isn't the episode for that. This is simply a recorded conversation of two friends talking about all things human. What motivates us all, what drives us, our mistakes, our regrets, personal internal conflicts, stories we tell ourselves, our belief systems and much more. I have learned a lot from David over the past decade and he has a played a huge role in how I see the world, how I see others and also how I see myself. Give it a listen and you might just hear something that makes you ask deeper questions or see life through a slightly different lens. Thank you as always for the support.Jeremy Scott Fitness App Sign Up Here Just $1 https://jeremyscottfitness.app/Thanks to our Sponsors:Athletic Greens www.athleticgreens.com/jeremyscottFree year supply of vitamin D3 with 5 free travel packs or want a free sample? Shoot us a DM and ask!Sleeves Sold Separately My Workout Gear - https://sleevessoldseparately.com/collections/jscottCode JSCOTT15 for 15% off all clothes & gearJaylab Pro Our Protein, Turmeric, Collagen, Krill Oil - https://jeremyscottfitness.jaylabpro.com/products.htmlCode JSF40 for 40% off Collagen if you wish to try it.Dry Farms Wine - dryfarmwines.com/jeremyscottfitnessEach new member will earn an extra bottle for just a penny with their first order of wine when they use this link.BEAM CBD Enter Code “jeremyscott” at checkout for 20% all subscriptions 35% off products - My nightly sleep aid if you want a free sample just message us https://glnk.io/mplp/jeremyscottfitnessKettle & Fire Bone Broth Use code SCOTT20 for 20% off our favorite healthy high protein bone broth. - https://glnk.io/v153/heathascott