Muscles Matter: How Strength Training Helps You Live Longer

Why Muscle Matters for Longevity

Muscle mass does more than just help us lift weights or look fit; it plays a vital role in our overall health and longevity. The most important things I do to keep, build and maintain my muscles are:

  • Strength Train Consistently

  • Eat Enough Protein - My personal top choices are Elk, Bison, Venison, Steaks, Eggs and my two favorite Protein Powders JayLab HERE and Synthesis HERE (use code JSF for 10% off)

Now, let's dig a little deeper on why your muscles matter…

1. Metabolic Health: 

Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even at rest. Maintaining a healthy muscle mass can thus help regulate your metabolism and prevent obesity- related diseases.

2. Aging and Independence:

As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases, a condition known as sarcopenia. Preserving muscle strength is essential not only for maintaining independence but also for reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

3. Chronic Disease Prevention: 

Higher muscle mass has been linked with improved insulin sensitivity, lower inflammation, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

More on Sarcopenia: The Age-Related Muscle Loss

Starting as early as the 30s, most people lose about 3% to 5% of their muscle mass per decade. Factors contributing to sarcopenia include:

  • Reduced Physical Activity: Less activity means less stimulus for muscle maintenance and growth.

  • Inefficient Protein Synthesis: As we grow older, our bodies become less efficient at converting dietary protein into muscle tissue.

  • Hormonal Changes: Changes in growth hormones and testosterone levels also affect muscle mass.

The good news is that sarcopenia can be significantly slowed, or even reversed, through lifestyle choices. Strength training and adequate protein intake are key strategies for combating the loss of muscle mass and maintaining functional independence as we age.

The Role of Protein in Sustaining Muscle Mass

Protein is the building block of muscle. Adequate protein intake is essential not just for building muscle but for maintaining it, especially as we age. Adequate protein consumption ensures:

  • Muscle Protein Synthesis: Consuming enough protein ensures your body can repair and grow muscle tissue effectively.

  • Prevents Muscle Breakdown: During periods of inactivity or aging, a sufficient protein intake can help minimize muscle loss.

Strategies to Maintain Muscle Mass

Here are a few strategies to ensure your muscles remain strong and healthy as you age:

  1. Consistent Protein Intake: Include a source of high-quality protein like JayLab HERE and Synthesis HERE (Code JSF for 10% off) in every meal and snack.

  2. Strength Training: Engage in regular strength training activities to stimulate muscle growth and retention.

  3. Monitor Muscle Health: Regular check-ups and body composition analysis can help you keep track of your muscle mass as part of your overall health profile.

Need a little more guidance?

Fill out our contact form and I would be happy to chat on how we can work together to get you living the healthiest, happiest and strongest life possible as you age.

Jeremy Scott

I’m a Scottsdale-based coach, author, speaker, and self-proclaimed nutrition nerd. I’ve got a man crush on Christian Bale, rap to 2Pac in the shower, and never miss an episode of The Office.

I don’t have magic secrets or quick fixes. What I do have is a proven system, a lifetime of experience, and a no-BS attitude that will help you become the best version of yourself.

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