Jennifer Bracy - Jeremy Scott Fitness Member of the Month
JSF Member Spotlight Jennifer Bracy
Where are you originally from? I am from Cleveland originally, but have been in AZ for 20+ years now. I think that makes me almost native How long have you been coming to JSF boot camps? Not exactly sure, but I think about six months. What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF boot camps and what made you choose/switch to JSF Boot camps?Growing up and through my teenage years I was a competitive 3-day eventer and show jumper (equestrian). In recent years I have been an on and off runner (actually, slow jogger). Two years ago Jim, Sarah and I committed to training and ran in the PF Chang’s ½ Marathon. It was a great experience, for me it was pushing myself to the limits but just got burned out on the monotony of running. I’ve done spinning classes, weight training all of which I quickly got bored with. JSF is something completely different than anything we have done in the past. It’s a challenging workout and you can really see and feel the results. What do you like best about JSF boot camps?I love the fact that you can get a rigorous, hard-core work out in 30 minutes. It’s intense, always different and I love the intervals- you can do anything for 30 seconds. JSF is a supportive environment where you are encouraged to do your best and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. I also love the fact also that JSF makes it easy for us to commit to a healthy, active lifestyle as a family. We rely on each other to stay motivated and on track.What do you like to do in your free time?I love hanging out with the family (Jim and our 3 girls + 4 dogs), reading, playing games, traveling, cooking.What’s your favorite cheat meal?Extra hot chicken wings and an ice cold beer.What is your Advice for other members?Be your best self and don’t compare yourself to others. Give your best self to your family, your friends your workouts, your job. If you’re not bringing the best you in everything you do what are you waiting for?