Beast of the Month - Angela Lechter
BEAST OF THE MONTH: ANGELA LECHTERWhere are you originally from?*Right here in Sunny Arizona! Born and raised Arizona Native! You don’t find many of us but when you do we are pretty special sun goddesses!!!! How long have you been coming to JSF? *It will be one AMAZING year this June! What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you
choose/switch to JSF?I was an LA Fitness group class junkie at least 4 to 5 days a week. I had been a member for 17 years. I absolutely loved spin, step, boxing, hip-hop and Zumba class. I loved the music, the instructors and the people. It was comfortable and I knew what to expect. I also knew after 17 years I wanted more, something different. My neighbor and friend Jen had been telling me about this new gym she had joined and that I would love it! She looked AMAZING and I knew it was working for her! She worked on me for about a year and I THANKFULLY gave in and gave it a try. Jeremy was running a “Teacher” special for the summer so I figured I had nothing to loose but I knew I needed to change it up! I canceled my gym membership six months ago and NEVER looked back! It was the BEST thing I could have ever done for myself!!!! What do you like best about JSF?*I LOVE EVERYTING! I LOVE Jeremy, Kelly and Monica, I LOVE the workouts, I LOVE that they are different every day, I LOVE that I work out parts of my body I never knew I had, I LOVE feeling sore in the morning from the GREAT workout the day before, I LOVE that you can push yourself and work as hard as YOU want, I LOVE the quotes on the wall in the gym, I LOVE the Mandatory Minutes, I LOVE the people, I LOVE that I can get my work out DONE in 30 minutes, I LOVE that I came in not even being able to do ONE SINGLE PUSH UP and now I can do like 15 in a ROW (thanks for fixing my form Kelly and making sure I don’t end up with big traps)!!!! My 19 year old athlete son was thoroughly impressed with my push ups!!!! I LOVE the music but would LOVE more naughty rap! I LOVE that I got two complements from random people at Whole Foods who said I had “nice legs”, do you know that is the one part of my body I absolutely DO NOT LIKE and have never liked……I think they are sort of ok now…..THANKS TO JSF!!!! What do you like to do in your free time?*I love spending time with my family, laughing, I love watching my kids do what they love to do, I love dancing in the kitchen, I love the beach, watching college sports (goooooooo CATS, BEAR DOWN), hiking, running, water skiing and watching Love Boat and Dr. Phil. What’s your favorite cheat meal?*Homemade Cookies (Chocolate Chip) and French Fries!!!!!!!! What is your advice for other members to get great results?*Show up, give 100% for 30 minutes, don’t whine, follow Jeremy’s eating plan, visualize yourself the way you want to look, stay positive, believe in YOU and remember “Don’t Let Anyone Every Dull Your SPARKLE” and “Don’t Half-Ass Anything, Whatever you do, always use your full ass.” CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!!!You are consistently kicking ass day in and day out and we are so glad that you found us along your fitness journey! Keep up the hard work!!!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness- Scottsdale Personal Trainers - Transformation Specialists Jeremy Scott- Monica Millage - Kelly Groff