Peanut-Almond Butter Banana Protein Shake

Peanut-Almond Butter Banana Protein ShakeOne of my favorite quick go-to protein shakes post workout after a crushing session is this Peanut-Almond Butter Banana Protein Shake.proteinshakeHere is what you need:1 large banana1 packet (2 Tsbp) Justin’s Maple Almond Butter2 Tbsp Athletic Greens – click here¼ cup fresh blueberries1-2 scoops JayLab Pro Vanilla Protein Powder –click here1 Tbsp Chia Seeds1 Tbsp PB2½ cup unsweetened califia toasted coconut almond milk½ cup ice What you do:Throw everything into your blender of choice and dominate either pre or post workout based on your goals. Or this shake is perfect for a sweet treat curb those sugary cravings. Enjoy and if you give this shake a try let us know what you think.For more recipes like this visit our YouTube Page and subscribe 100% for FREE by clicking here.proteinshakeUntil next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Nutriton Coach 


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