Stacey Richman - Beast of the Month
STACEY RICHMAN - Beast of the Month What brought you to Jeremy Scott Fitness and how long have you been a member?I saw Jeremy’s muscle feature in Scottsdale Health Magazine, where he was showcasing one of his workouts for the readers. I’ve been working out with him ever since, now for just over 3.5 years. How did you feel at the beginning when you joined?When I first joined Jeremy Scott Fitness, I was scared. I started off with two personal sessions a week and then after a few sessions, Jeremy said I needed to start coming to boot camp and I was definitely afraid that I couldn’t do it. How do you feel now?Now I feel like I could never not do it. I feel like I’m worlds ahead from that first session – I can do way more of the exercises to their full extent, I’m stronger and I have more endurance. What have you accomplished since working with Jeremy Scott Fitness?I’ve lost 2-4 inches around my stomach, arms, hips and thighs. I’m currently down 22 pounds and two dresses. Overall, I also think I look better and know that I feel better. I started out lifting 10 pounds on each arm and I’m now up to using 15 pound weights for each arm. When I first started going to Jeremy Scott Fitness, I wasn’t as agile/flexible, unable to get my knees high during high knees and I had trouble touching my toes. Now, I can do both of those. In one word how would you describe Jeremy Scott Fitness?Motivating. What advice do you have for others?If you’re apprehensive about going, don’t be. Just get up and go, and you will be hooked like everyone else who is apart of the Jeremy Scott Fitness family is. Even if you’re sore or don’t feel like you’re at the level as some of the other people in the class, just keep coming back. You can do it! You will get there. What’s your favorite quote?“Stop competing with others. Start competing with yourself.” CONGRATULATIONS STACEY!!!We love having you and your family at JSF and are so excited for you and the progress you have made! Can’t wait to watch you continue your journey! -Team Jeremy Scott Fitness - Scottsdale Personal Trainer