Dr. Lauren Lattanza Podcast Interview

Welcome Dr. Lauren Lattanza to the Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast CLICK HERE for the full episode jeremyscottfitness On this episode we sit dow and rap with Dr. Lauren Lattanza. She is a Naturopathic Physician, trained to treat the whole person and get to the root cause of disease. Her goal as a physician is to optimize health and prevent, decrease, or eliminate the need for pharmaceuticals. We dive deep into hormones, the immune system, best nutrition practices along with supplementation and the effects of plastics in today's world. You can connect with her at https://www.wolfsonintegrativecardiology.com/bio-dr-lauren-lattanza/ & https://naturalheartdoctor.com/ - also on instagram @drlattanza / @natural_heart_doctor - and their Podcast "The Healthy Heart Show" Listen and enter to win a free $697 environmental toxins panel test by sending your email to health@naturaldoctor.com with the subject line JSF EntryJeremy Scott Fitness Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer  

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