Thanksgiving Day Damage Control

Thanksgiving Day Damage Control with Jeremy Scott Fitness


Scottsdale & Phoenix area peeps stop by Jeremy Scott at 8am ONLY this Thursday -Thanksgiving for a Damage Control inspired workout. FREE for members just $10 for general public – bring your friends and family. 

I want you guys to enjoy your holiday dinner, I know I always go a little crazy on Thanksgiving day. 

I also always make sure to get in a killer workout before I do as well, but for those of you not here with us in Arizona this Thanksgiving Day I put together this Damage Control 1000 rep DB workout for you. 

Simply get 2 dumbbells – pick a load you can handle (I use 30lbs for this workout) and it always crushes me. 


Enjoy and I wish you a safe & Happy Thanksgiving Day! 

Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.

Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness 

Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory Author 

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