Member of the Month Kelcey Gault - Jeremy Scott Fitness
JSF Member Spotlight Kelcey Gault Member of the Month
Where are you originally from? I’m a Phoenician – born and raised! How long have you been coming to JSF boot camps? I am celebrating my 1 YEAR of JSF boot camps this weekend at the Halloween Pumpkin Camp! What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF boot camps and what made you choose/switch to JSF Boot camps? I never really had a “regimen” or anything I did consistently. Maybe a couple times a month I would hike or take a class somewhere…. A girlfriend at work (Monica Sprague) introduced me to JSF and I was hooked from day 1. I need the schedule and accountability. What do you like best about JSF boot camps? First off I love that it’s only 30 minutes! How can you not set aside 30 minutes of your day for an awesome workout?? Second, I love that the JSF team is always coming up with new and different ways to challenge us. Whether it be a new exercise, new equipment, new formats…. After 1 year of being a member I am still being introduced to new things every camp. What do you like to do in your free time? Spend time with family & friends. There is nothing better! What’s your favorite cheat meal? Hands down - Pepperoni pizza, side of Ranch & Red Wine! What is your Advice for other members? Set specific, reasonable goals, be patient with your expectation on “immediate results”, don’t compare yourself to others, and when Jeremy says “It’s all about the food” know that he’s right, “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE FOOD!” I just want to thank Kelcey for being with us 1 year......she is one of the original JSF Boot Camp members and always comes in giving a kick ass effort!!! I am working on a gift for you Kelcey so please hold me to it - and bug me until I get you something lol!!!! Thanks again for sticking with me for so long, we love having you around! - Kick Ass Jeremy