Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks Jeremy Scott Fitness

A little Thanksgiving giving thanks Jeremy Scott Fitness style….I will keep this as fitness related as possible and rattle off the Top 5 things I am thankful for this year.I am thankful for……. 1. All our clients via online, personal training, boot camp, and youth campers you guys truly do kick ass each and every day. Thank you all for believing in our mission and giving us the same amazing effort week after week. Without you guys nothing we do would be possible so thank you sincerely! 2. My fitness friends across America – Nerijus Bagdonas –, Jeremy Belter –, Alex Isaly –,  you guys have each helped me in various areas of fitness whether it be business brainstorming, nutrition consulting, training protocol, the list is really endless, so thank you guys. 3. My business partners Dave Dreas and Ben Novak they are 2 of the hardest working people I know, and each bring a set of unique talents to our fitness business. Without them the growth and improvement of Jeremy Scott Fitness would not be possible, so thank you guys for making it fun to come to work each day. 4. All the people behind the scenes who made possible from the start, there is a lot that went into making this dream of mine originally become a reality. A lot of hard work, a little luck, and a few people crazy enough to believe in a knuckle head like me so sorry if I forget anyone but here goes – Janet, Dave N, Perry, Heather, Maria B, Brett, Inga, Pad, Jeremy B, you guys were there before many of the clients were so no matter how big or small a role you played it’s appreciated by me more than you know. 5. My parents, friends, and KV Family – I am thankful to have so many people in my life who believe in me and what I am doing. While my family might not be the most traditional I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of people to call my own, I am lucky to have you all in my life. Also, a special thanks to Heather for putting up with me and my OCD- everything from the eating, the training, the long hours, the constant fitness-nutrition talk – thanks babe without you I would be lost –love you!!! I want to add a quick thanks to my boy Nicky Blue Eyes aka Kid Rock for cooking a little Thanksgiving feast Knopp Valley style for us, even better than last year brother. I also want to say thanks to Kathy and Larry Bain for having Heather, Dreas, Ben and myself over for Thanksgiving dinner with their family, you guys are two of the most giving people I have ever met. It’s very; very rare to meet people like you and I can speak for all of us at Team JSF we are thankful to have you guys in our lives!!!!! 

 Hope this finds you guys enjoying time with your family and reflecting on all the things you have to be thankful for as I am sure there are many…as always kick ass!!!!!!


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