Jeremy Scott Fitness presents…
The 2012 8-Week Fitness Transformation Contest is BACK BABY!!!!!!!

Get that Body Back for the New Year!!!!!!
Over the last few years, I have helped hundreds of people just like you lose thousands of lbs of fat. Our unique and integrated rapid fat loss training and nutrition system is second to none in producing body altering and life changing results as fast as possible.I want to get a group of highly motivated people together to experience the AWESOME power of this new and improved program. That’s right, it’s time for our 2nd Annual JSF Transformation Contest Online and In-Person!Prices – for this life changing opportunity1. Current JSF Boot Camp Clients AZ - $200 / Non-JSF Boot Camp Clients AZ - $4502. Current Online JSF Clients - $200/ Non-JSF Online Clients $300Here’s what everyone will get!
1. Access to JSF Boot Camps –in person or via online format2. 24/7 Phone-Email-Text Access to Ben-Dave- and myself3. Weekly Nutritional Breakdowns and Counseling 4. Custom On the Go workouts to help you while you travel.5. Our tighter tummy in 10 day coaching session to peak for the final judgments.6. Professional photo shoot for you’re after pictures.7. Highlight video of your progress from start to finish.8. Group Masterminding – with clients and all JSF staff9. Bonus Workouts- Pre-Post Workout Meals- Recipes10. Jump start on your fitness year and the rest of your life.
Now in addition to that the Top 3 Finishers Will get –
1st Place Winner- $200 in cash, JSF Apparel Pack, 2 Months of FREE Saturday Drop-In Boot Camps –Prolab Nutrition Superhero Package 2nd Place Winner- $100 in cash, JSF Apparel Pack, 1 Month FREE JSF Saturday Drop-In Boot Camps- Prolab Nutrition Ultimate Workout Package –3rd Place Winner- $50 in cash, JSF Apperal, 2 Free Weeks Sat. Camp- Prolab Nutrition Platinum Package

Bonus Prize #1 (BEST VIDEO TESTIMONIAL) – TBD $$$$$$$(The bonus prize is for the person who creates the best video testimonial for before and after your transformation)
Now, I don’t beat around the bush. This is only for serious people that are ready to change and fully commit both their mind and body to making these changes. YOU WILL HAVE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I TELL YOU DO… BOTTOM LINE! The clock is already ticking and there are simply NO EXCEPTIONS to the following deadlines, so, here’s what you have to do to be eligible for this contest:YOU HAVE UNTIL JANUARY 8TH TO DO EVERYTHING LISTED BELOW EXACTLY AS OUTLINED BY SUNDAY, 11:59 PM US EST IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER AND FOREVER:- Type a 1-page maximum summary in an email or word document telling your story (health history, goals, past failures, etc.) and explaining why we should select you for this incredible opportunity, then send to us with subject “HELP! I WANT TO CHANGE” at Take front, side, and rear view full body digital pictures of yourself (men must have their shirt off and be wearing boxer briefs or swimsuit trunks, women must wear either a one piece or two piece bathing suit, no exceptions here), then send to us as attachments with subject “HELP! I WANT TO CHANGE” at Extra Credit (optional, but highly recommended): Film a 1-2 minute video pleading your case, post it to you-tube and send it to us with subject “HELP! I WANT TO CHANGE” for some extra special convincing – you may send the video private to avoid anyone seeing it for now.NOTE- PLEASE SEND ALL ATTACHMENTS WITHIN THE SAME (THAT’S ONE) EMAIL!!!For some of you, this will be the start of a whole new life. Do not regret missing out on this opportunity because it is going to be unreal.I love what I do and I am never outworked in providing the people I work with the best results possible, and if you want a proven real world fat loss expert in your corner to help maximize your result in 2012, ACT NOW!The contest will officially start on January 16th, 2012 and end on March 10th 2012.Winners will be announced no later than March 17th!PLEASE NOTE: If you have friends or family who are interested in changing their lives, please forward them this and get them involved in our boot camp. This just might be the thing that changes their life forever!!!!By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.
This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.