Knopp Valley 2013 - 19th Annual Knopp Tourney - Jeremy Scott

Knopp Valley 2013 - 19th Annual Knopp Tourney - Jeremy Scott 

 Knopp Valley Class of 2013 - 19th Anniversary 

This post and the post following it are not going to be real "fitness" realted, but that's the benefit of having your own blog and business you can't write about whatever the hell you want!Many of you who know me personally, know that for the last 15 years I have done the exact same thing on the 4th of July. I have played my ass off in the same amazing holiday basketball tournament each year since I was 15 years old. 


Same Court -Same Tradition for 19 Bad Ass Years & Counting 

I have not seen fireworks, attended a parade, or even entertained the idea of doing anything other than playing in this tournament. It is like Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years’, and Your Birthday all put together – that is how much fun this day is to me.Some of you are at this point are going “Ok so why is this little tournament do important?” – honestly I love basketball I always have and always will, but this is SO MUCH MORE THAN basketball at this point.Each year 30 of my close friends from all over the United States many of which I have know my entire life the rest I have know for at least half my life gather together in Winona, MN to play in the Knopp Tourney. Imagine all your best friends from grade school, middle school, high school, and college still getting together once a year to play basketball, reminisce, and get shit face drunk together just like old times……SOUNDS BAD ASS right? 


It means enough to me I had it branded years ago as many of us have over the years!

That my friends in a nutshell is what the Knopp Tourney is all about. These guys mean the world to me, they invited me into this sacred family so many years ago, and watched me grow up and been nothing but the best friends anyone cold ask for since day 1.Without getting all sentimental and rambling on forever, I consider myself very blessed to have something like this in my life. Many people can’t count 5 really good close friends they see from their youth – I have 30 who will ride or die with me forever and that says something about how special this thing of ours is.At the time when I started playing basketball with these guys I was just a teenager and I had no idea how important it woud be to my life. Being part of this group is one of the single most monumental things to happen to me and has made a huge impact on my life in many ways.


-This core group of kids -now grown adults started this amazing tradition 19 years ago - 

Next year is the 20th anniversary and you bet your ass I will be there, I just wanted to share this with you guys and hope you have something similar in your life. I truly feel blessed to be part of such a bad ass elite group of men!  You should value the realtionships with people in your life more than just about anything, and the bond I have had with these guys I value above most anything else. I ask you guys to make time for the people in your life even if it's just once a year - make the time!

Did I mention I am a Captain and my Team "HERO SHOTS" Won this years 2013 KV Title!!!

2013 Champions - Jason Pehler, Matt O'Brien, Dave Dreas, Jeremy Scott, Jesse Kuhn 

Hope you guys enjoed a look into my personal life for a minute!

Until Next Time - Jeremy Scott 2013 Knopp Tourney Champion 


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