Things To Do Before You Die Part 1
This is past week I got to check off another goal on my "Things To Do Before You Die" list.... My Journey into Havasupai and knocking off another goal on my "Before You DIE List"I had the chance to hike 22 miles in 24 hours down into the Grand Canyon to see one of the most amazing wonders of the world in Havasupai & the many waterfalls they have flowing there...yes crystal clear blue water running from giant waterfalls in Arizona.... it was hard for me to believe to.
I will say it was the hardest physical endurance test I have been through in my life, it’s not easy hiking 22 miles with a 60lb pack on your back –it was a physical battle as well as mental to get there but 100% worth it!The photos don't even do it justice the size, color, sounds, and all around experience can only be seen & felt by being there.
If you guys don't have a similar list or as most call it a "bucket" list of things to do, places to go, people to meet, PLEASE make one this very minute before you read another sentence. Just saying it won't be enough, even just writing it down won't make it happen you need to create a master list of 5-10 things that are truly important to you - set dates for those events, plan them, then go out and do the damn thing. Many of you will look at this & just continue about your day, but seriously sit and consider how much time you really have to achieve all your goals, visit all the places you want to visit…..Heather & I have talked about this for years and my only regret is that we didn’t do it sooner, stop waiting around for the perfect time to live your life it’s happening right now with or without you.
Ask yourself this…..
If your dreams were a place, where would you be standing & what would you be looking at?
Your LIFE starts now……Write down your Top 5-10 list……it can be small too like getting in shape finally or...Visit a new country?Start a new business?Complete an Ironman?Go Skydiving?Whatever it is, you have the ability to take your life in any direction you choose.This is just the start of my most epic 2014; I urge you guys to stop waiting and start doing the things you want to do! BUY THE TICKET & TAKE THE RIDE OF LIFE!!!!!
Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness
Things To Do Before You Die -Scottsdale Personal Trainer