Susie Hardt - Athlete Of The Month

Susie Hardt - Athlete Of The Month

Jeremy Scott Fitness 


Where are you originally from? Hertfordshire (near London), EnglandHow long have you been coming to JSF? Since October 2013What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?I worked out with a personal trainer, took group fitness classes, ran with my dogs and rode horses. I have known Jeremy for several years but it took me a while to make the switch because I thought I was happy with what I was doing. My friend persuaded me to take a class late last year, and I was hooked.What do you like best about JSF?That the work out is never the same. It’s very practical and there’s no excuse when it’s just 30 minutes.. I’m so happy to be free of the treadmill and stair master. I honestly look forward to Monday,Wednesday and Friday mornings. I get a sense of accomplishment that I can do real push ups now, and that my burpees are improving!Sometimes I just smile during class while I’m thinking, “how can 20 seconds of this possibly be so hard?!”It’s tough but really fun.What do you like to do in your free time? Burpees (kidding).My true passion is riding and jumping horses. Working out at JSF helps me be a better rider too, because schooling and jumping horses is not easy. It requires flexibility, discipline, balance and leg strength.I walk or run with my two yellow labs, Cooper and Rain.I have an 11 year old son who plays on a travel basketball team, so we take a lot of trips, mainly to CA and NV.susie_hardt What’s your favorite cheat meal? I could eat CPK’s thai chicken salad every day. Not exactly a cheat meal, so maybe parmesan crusted sea bass at Mastro’s. Dessert? Just give me some fudge, omg.What is your advice for other members to get great results?Take your PHresh greens every day. CLICK Use the resources and tips that Jeremy so generously provides on a regular basis. Both he and his staff are so readily available, yet a lot of us don’t utilize their knowledge and expertise enough.The ‘just do it’approach really is the case at JSF. Show up and give your best for half an hour. Who can’t spare that in their day?susie_hardt_jeremy_scott_fitness

Susie Hardt - Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete 

Thank you Susie for always coming in with a smile & kick ass attitude proud to have you on Team JSF!!!Jeremy Scott Fitness - Scottsdale Personal Trainer 


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