Athlete Of The Month - Sarah Nesland

Athlete of the Month-Sarah NeslandJeremy Scott Fitness sarah_nesland_jeremy_Scott_fitnessWhere are you originally from?I am originally from the Prozac Capital of the US…Seattle, Washington. I spent my formative years in the Pacific Northwest uniform, otherwise known as one part rain jacket and one part fleece. I had two colors – black AND blueHow long have you been coming to JSF?I have been coming to JSF for 5 terrifically wonderful, sweaty and heart pounding months now.What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you
choose/switch to JSF?I have been around sports for as long as I can remember. I played Division 1 basketball and volleyball (Go Huskies!) and lifted with a trainer in Seattle for 13 years prior to moving to Austin Texas three years ago where I had my second daughter (16 month old Lexington). I am also an avid runner with over 20 half marathons under my belt. But wowzers, having a kid after 40 wrecked major league havoc on my body. I had completed a half marathon post baby but without much luck dropping all the weight.After being in Scottsdale for about 3 months I had a little panic attack on the scale. Though I was running, I was starting to see the scale move up vs. down. My husband was coaching 3rd & 4th grade basketball at Jeremy’s gym when he bumped into Kelly Groff who was totally awesome, explained the system and gave him her card. I called the next day to schedule time to come in for the first “try it out” workoutI was HOOKED! Both Monica and Kelly were super supportive, gave me some food tips and I was off to the races, committed to get back into shape What do you like best about JSF?The very best thing about JSF is the entire set up. 30 minutes of kick your tail, work every muscle in your body, never the same routine, compete with yourself, sweat with others, getter done model all set to pump you up music with killer support, encouragement and SMILES. It IS unique and right up my alley. I also totally dig Jeremy, Kelly and Monica’s sense of humor. They are serious business but with a killer personality.What do you like to do in your free time?I love to watch my kiddos develop, laugh with my husband, run to think up new strategies for my professional career and to giggle, motivate, and hang with my girlfriends. What’s your favorite cheat meal?Tortilla Chips, Guacamole and Beer –it covers all the major food groups….well cheat meal food groups that is. What is your advice for other members to get great results?I’m a big believer in following the experts. Where you are expert you should lead but where you are not, you should follow. I listen to what Jeremy, Monica, and Kelly say. They are expert in fitness. The 3 biggest things I can recommend is to reflect on what you want out of life, be in a mood of willingness and to stay ‘plastic’ – give what they recommend a try and really ‘lean in’…go full blown with all out abandon to follow. Do you have the life you are after? If not, why not follow an expert?We are so proud to have you with us at JSF! You have done an amazing job in your short time with us and we look forward to your future here!!!sarah_nesland_jeremy_Scott_fitness-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness-


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