EMOM Training Jeremy Scott
EMOM Squat & Deadlift Training with Jeremy Scott Bonus - EMOM Squat-Pull-Push 5 x 5 x 5 Training session Jeremy Scott Fitness Super quick EMOM lower body training with Squats & Deadlifts. My simple crunched for time style.....On the minute every minute squat 225 x 5 reps for 15 straight minutes Once you complete all 15 sets in 15 minutes move into deadliftsOn the minute every minute deadlift 315lbs x 5 reps for 10 straight minutes This would give you a very simple, quick, kick ass 25 minute lower body training session. You can mix up the loads, alternate movements, extend the times, shorten the times (in terms of overall minutes worked) - but this is a killer way to smoke out your legs in a small amount of time and still see gains in your training. I have also posted a more total body EMOM training session below as well using a Squat-Pull Up- Push Up going with 5 reps of each all inside 1 minute. Check it out below and see what you think! All the best as you add the EMOM into your training, if you guys are looking for a little more detail and interaction with me checkout my new "Inner Circle" coaching program here - we cover soooooo much more than just training inside the circle. Until next time eat well, train hard, & be nice to people......and as always Make Success Mandatory! Jeremy Scott Jeremy Scott Fitness -Scottsdale Personal Trainer