12 Questions to Make Everyday Awesome
12 Questions to Make Everyday Awesome ~ Jeremy Scott Let’s all be real here for a minute, sometimes life can suck even if only for a few seconds, minutes, hours whatever the metric life can admittedly suck at times. No day is perfect; at least in my life no single day went 100% perfect for me. So like the dude that I am, I tend to roll with the good and bad all the same. Sometimes though life just comes with a little extra and Chuck Norris style kicks you right in the mouth...... However, many people let the little, small, miniature problems of their day get them down for hours, days, weeks, months and sometimes even years. I want to share with you guys my favorite 12 self questions – YES 12 questions I actually stop and ask myself when I start bitching about my life or current situation. I share them with you in hopes it snaps you out of any funk, depression, and bad mood you might be having for have in the future. Sounds simple some people think it’s stupid but the power of being mindful for even just 60 seconds asking yourself a few of these questions can help bring you back to reality and bring you back to be awesome again! 12 Questions to make everyday Awesome Who’s grateful for you?What are you grateful for?What’s great about your life this week?What did you accomplish this week?How have you grown this week?Are you focused on what’s wrong or what’s right?What could you be happy about if you chose to be?What are you willing to stop doing to improve this situation?What are you willing to do to improve this situation?What are you willing to commit to here?How can you use this so it becomes a benefit?1 Month, 1 Year, 3 Years from now will this problem matter to you? Next time life punches you in the face, take 60 seconds be mindful and ask yourself a question or 2 and really think about it....... see if you don't realize fast that most problems are not permanant and often are much much smaller than we think!Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!
Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer P.S. ~ if you dig my advice and want to work with me on a closer level checkout our Inner Circle Success Coaching group by clicking HERE - looking forward to being awesome with you soon!Make Success Mandatory Author - Pick up a copy today click