Beast of the Month Elise Guetti
BEAST OF THE MONTH- Elise GuettiWhere are you originally from? I was born in Austin, but I have lived in the valley for almost 44 years. However, according to my grandmother, “Once a Texan, you are always a Texan!”.How long have you been coming to JSF? 9 monthsWhat was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?Believe it or not, I had never stepped into a gym prior to two years ago! I was intimated and fitness was not a priority, nor even on my mind. When I hit mid 40’s, I began to struggle with a little weight gain and a monumental amount of stress, so at the encouragement of my super-fit, gym-loving husband, I contacted a personal trainer to LEARN how to exercise. I know this sounds crazy, but I had no idea what to do in a gym. My focus was mostly weight training, but as time passed, I felt a desire to change things up. My weakness is cardio. I’ve been told I’d never survive the zombie apocalypse (everyone knows the number 1 rule for survival is cardio). So, I was on the path to find something fun and social with a good dose of cardio.One day, I was handed a book written by this guy named Jeremy. You may have heard of it – Make Success Mandatory. In one sitting, I read it from cover to cover and felt like it was written just for me. When I found out Jeremy’s gym was less than a mile from my home, I went online, signed myself up and the rest is history!Mine isn’t a story about great weight loss or a crazy body transformation. It’s about overcoming fear and intimidation, to find out that I’m stronger mentally and physically than I ever thought I could be. That I have the power to change whatever it is I don’t like, whether that be my body, my mind, my attitude, my life. And, I came to understand that taking care of my body and diet influences so much more in my life than I ever imagined.What do you like best about JSF? Every day is something different and you never know what you’re going to get. Every time I walk out, I feel like I just conquered an amazing work out. The trainers are fantastic and truly want to help us succeed. And, we have a lot of fun. The support and camaraderie is exactly what I was looking for when I signed up.What do you like to do in your free time?I love to travel anywhere I can paddle board, scuba dive, kayak, snorkel, fish, then lounge in the sun! I’m a voracious reader and I enjoy hiking and hanging out with my husband and two dogs.What’s your favorite cheat meal? Do you want the whole list or the top ten? I have a horrible sweet tooth, so anything sweet will do!What is your advice for other members to get great results? Consistency! Give it 100%, don’t cheat yourself out of a good work out, don’t be afraid to ask for help or try new things. Make exercise fun! Hike with your friends, take active vacations, play outdoors with your kids, join JSF with your BFF. But, keep in mind Jeremy’s words of wisdom—you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Keep everything in balance.CONGRATULATIONS!!!Thank you Elise for consistently showing up, pushing yourself and doing it with an awesome attitude!!! We love having you train here with us at JSF and we look forward to seeing what the rest of 2015 holds for you, maybe some more 1-armed mountain climbers or pull-ups;)-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness - Scottsdale Personal Trainer - Coach - Mentor - Motivator -Bad Ass