Beast of the Month - Maciej Cybulski

Maciej Cybulski - Jeremy Scott Fitness Beast of the Month beastofthemonthWhere are you originally from?The long of it – Poland; the short of it – New Jersey. Moved to Arizona around 5 years ago to be with my parents and handicapped twin sister for whom I am a caregiver. How long have you been coming to JSF?Unofficially – 4 years ago I reached out to Jeremy and took my first boot camp class, but only days later I returned to New Jersey for a job opportunity. Then I finally started coming to JSF regularly in early 2013, with some ups and downs and a truly successful 60 day transformation challenge mixed in there as well. What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you
choose/switch to JSF?Before JSF back in New Jersey, I rollerbladed occasionally but didn’t do any other type of exercise at all, so in the brutal east coast winters, I did nothing. Upon moving to Arizona, I discovered the fun past time of hiking and at times I would go regularly enough to consider it a workout, but finding 2 hours in my day to hike got more and more difficult as my employment options increased, so ideally I needed something effective and quick that would fit into a work-life balance of having 2 jobs just to make ends meet! JSF was the obvious choice!!!! What do you like best about JSF?The small and intimate family feeling that I get from both my fellow participants and our amazing trainers! Everyone here has a face and a name, not just people I have direct contact with when I workout, but also the many people in the online groups that JSF organizes and maintains for us. It’s amazing how much commonality we all have coming from all wakes of life and diverse “stories” that brought us to JSF in the first place. JSF is a unique place to truly change your life, and in the process make some lifelong changes in habits while also meeting wonderful people with similar health goals and struggles. The intimacy of the smaller group classes also makes for a great workout that the big box gyms could never offer! What do you like to do in your free time?My free time consists of pretty much very little free time, mostly because I am always involved in my family life, taking care of my twin sister daily and also helping my parents with anything and everything that 70-plus year olds tend to need – not that they are helpless, but it sure makes their life easier having me around to take care of things. If my free time allows, I enjoy hiking, taking my dog for a little run-walk-walk- (stop and smell every bush in the neighborhood) walk, taking my sister to her monthly dance with other handicapped peers, and once in a while I just like to go look at new cars at local dealerships – mostly cars I can’t afford, but it’s more fun that way! Because I enjoy Architectural/Interior Design, my dad and I spend quality time going to open houses too. In there somewhere are also audio books when time allows. What’s your favorite cheat meal?It’s through and through GELATO! If you haven’t tried it, “That’s Amore” makes the best authentic Italian gelato in Scottsdale, although I used to frequent the “Gelato Spot” once too. It’s my weakness, but I’ve learned to avoid it and only treat myself to it every few months!!! What is your advice for other members to get great results?Don’t eat gelato like 4 times a week! Besides that, figure out what your “WHY” is. I think that having a reason to get great results supersedes getting those results. If you don’t have a reason to reach a goal, you’ll probably give up on the goal faster. Sometimes all the help in the world, be it from JSF or self help audio books or the kindness of others is all well and good, but YOU need to WANT to help yourself. And I truly believe it all comes down to attitude, desire and what you do with the gift of 86,400 seconds everyday! The Jeremy Scott Fitness team has been a major catapult in keeping me consistent in maintaining my goals and being able to become the person I’ve always wanted to become – a better healthier version of myself!!! After all, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”~Oscar Wilde – and if I can add – Just be yourself in a healthier manner!!!jeremyscottfitnessCONGRATULATIONS MACIEJ!!!We couldn’t be more proud of the mindset shift you have made since we first met you. Getting up at 4am to be here at 5am is not an easy task and you have been so consistent and working your ass off too! We love your dedication to both being active and most importantly eating clean and tracking your food too. Keep up the amazing work and we have no doubt that 2016 will be awesome for you!!!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness - Scottsdale Personal Trainer 


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