Get a Return on Your Investment

Get a Return on Your Investment When I met my wife 8 years ago I: Had NO JobWas watching 4 hours of TV a day (mostly Soap Net 90210, One Tree Hill & The OC)Was reading ZERO booksHad less than $2,000 to my name TOTALNo life savings, no retirement accountsNo direction on where to go nextNo real self-confidence leftZERO social skillsHad never been out of the countryNo Inner Circle of friends to raise me up  Today as I type this… I own 2 businesses and co-own 2 othersI don’t often watch TVI read over 100 books per year & also a published authorI have a life savings, Roth IRA, SEP IRA and other investmentsI know what I am called to do with my lifeI have more self-confidence today than I have ever had in my lifeI now public speak and create social content via video dailyI get to travel the world and experience life on my own terms.My Inner Circle is strong, powerful, and motivates me daily.  8 years ago my wife invested in a jobless, broke, socially awkward dude who could barely afford to buy her dinner… Today she got back a business owner, author, public speaker and a dude who knows what he wants to do with his life. My point is not to boast about my accomplishments, but to show you that my wife got a major return on her investment. I am proud of that, to be able to say people who invest in me get back 120% The question I will ask YOU is: Did your husband or wife get a return on their investment?Did your job, your friends; your families get a return on theirs? People invest in YOU all the time. I just want YOU to make sure you are giving them the biggest return possible, especially the ones closest to YOU! Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!innercirclejeremyscottfitness P.S. – If you want to accelerate your results and surround yourself with a strong Inner Circle of people you can still try out my Inner Circle Coaching group for just $1 by clicking here. Trust me the $1 you invest today with me with yield massive returns in all areas of your life! Join us HERE


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