My Perfect Day

My Perfect Day......What is the perfect day?myperfectdayI suppose it is different for each of us.....So chatting with one of my boyz we got to talking about what our perfect day would look like.So in a most abbreviated version below here is my “perfect day” as I can think of it today.Think about it and maybe jot down what your own personal perfect day would look like.You might find yourself planning and having more perfect days here in the future. Wake Up EarlyStay Up LateGet someone to laughSmile at a strangerCoachImprove someone else’s lifeReadWrite something meaningfulListen to some 2PacSweatSprintDeadliftTake a napFlex in the mirrorRandom group text some old friendsCall my folksKiss my wifeWalk my dogShoot some hoopsExecute a perfect cannonballDo something for the 1st timeSee the sunriseEnjoy the sunsetWatch BatmanThank God for the awesomeness that is my life!This is what my perfect day would look like. What does yours look like? Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ ~Make Success Mandatory Author~  


33 Years & 33 Life Lessons ~ Jeremy Scott


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