Thank You from Jeremy Scott Fitness

Thank you to all the people who have supported Jeremy Scott Fitness. I have nothing to share today about fat loss, building muscle, macros, or motivation this is simply a thank you letter. Jeremy Scott Fitness started in 2009 with a website & Facebook Page; and keeping it 100% real with you guys, I was just some kid who didn’t really know what the hell he was doing with his life. So, in 2010 Jeremy Scott Fitness became a registered LLC. I quit my corporate job and started this business with no clients, no money, no business background, and really no idea of what I wanted it to be. With thousands of hours of education, hard work, sweat, and relentless effort we made it work and are approaching 2017 rocking strong. I just wanted to stop and say thanks to all of you guys. Thank you for reading our stuff.Thank you for sharing our content.Thank you for wearing our gear.Thank you for choosing us workout with.Thank you for including us on your fitness journey.Thank you for making us part of your life. Before I was on any magazine covers.Before I was working with Men’s Health.Before Reebok brought me on board.Before I had paid speaking engagements.Before I ever sold one product online.Before I got to travel the world coaching health. You guys were there with me and I thank you for that.For those of you who were there when we use to train at that the park, or you remember JSF before the paint, lights, fancy website, gear, and equipment – I appreciate you.thankyoujeremyscottfitnessWithout all of you guys – and I mean this every single one of you coming through our doors over the past 8 years – I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I am ONLY this person in fitness because you guys gave and continue to give me the opportunity to serve you daily.So, again I thank you and I hope I have given you back as much knowledge, education, and passion as you all have given to me over the years.If you need anything at all or just want to chat shoot me a message, I am always happy to hear from you.jeremyscottfitnessUntil next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people! Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Make Success Mandatory 


4 Things I Take Daily


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