Fat Loss Transformation 50lbs

Fat Loss Transformation 50lb ~ JOHN LOMBARDI50lbsfatlosstransformationWhat brought you to Jeremy Scott Fitness and how long have you been a member?I was looking to work on my cardio and try a different method of training & also be able to work out with my wife. Looking for something new. My wife & I have been going strong at JSF for the last 10 months.How did you feel at the beginning when you joined?I felt very out of shape and out of my element. I did not realize how bad my cardio was, I was out of breath after the 1st round of every class. The JSF Team and great friends I met got me through the first couple weeks. Everyone who trains at JSF is there to work hard and it’s more of a team working together than “group fitness”. Everyone supports each other and pushes you to be the best you can be.50lbtransformation  How do you feel now?I feel great! My conditioning and diet are top notch and there is no issue pushing the envelope at every session. I look forward to every time I train at JSF to see what new routines & challenges are on the board. It is great to train in such a welcoming environment. I started my journey weighing in at 231 lbs. with a 36” waist and 28% body fat. On 11/5/16, I will be on stage in Tucson, AZ for my first Men’s Physique Competition, weighing 181 lbs. with a 30” waist and 11% body fat. None of this could have been possible without the help of Jeremy Scott, Monica Millage, Kelly Groff & Kerri Lombardi along with everyone and anyone I trained with at JSF in the last 10 months. I no longer have breathing treatments & my shots are only once a month for maintenance. My wife & I now do double-sessions at JSF on Saturdays, when in the beginning it was a struggle to get through the first 10 minutes of the class. J What have you accomplished since working with Jeremy Scott Fitness?I had some breathing and lung function issues when I started. I went to a specialist & was set up for breathing treatments and shots 3 times a week. My lung function was at only 58%. The doctor let me know I needed to reduce body fat in order to increase my testosterone & improve my overall health. She also suggested changing up my diet & get an exercise program going. My lung function is now up to 88% through the training and diet from JSF and healthy lifestyle that I share with my wife Kerri. In one word how would you describe Jeremy Scott Fitness?Challenging. –Jeremy is not interested if you had a tough day at work or if you had a flat tire, or you didn’t get enough sleep. He is there to challenge you every day and get the most out of you. Workouts are over the top and you know you are training with one of the best in the fitness world. What advice do you have for others?My first advice would be to buy into the process- changes do not happen overnight but if you can do a little better each class, you will see major improvements over time. My second advice would be to show up with a positive attitude and leave your problems at the door, because you are training with a great team that will help you get to your goals & you are training beside some other awesome people like yourself that are there to better themselves. My wife Kerri and I have met some of the best people at JSF, and it is great to train with them and make new friendships. What’s your favorite quote?Conor McGregor said it best “There’s no talent here, this is hard work, and this is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that’s that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.”I would like to personally thank Jeremy, Monica & Kelly for creating such a welcoming environment for everyone that trains with them. There are times you do not look forward to going to work or going to the big box gyms because it doesn’t interest you or hold your attention. Since day 1, Kerri and I were welcomed and found that the JSF Team cared about your health & well-being and made every attempt to push you and get you to your goal. Jeremy, Monica & Kelly are accountable and available all the time, whether by email or Facebook. Jeremy will get back to you within the hour and get you what you need, or post a video if he thinks that will help you out. They have a great inner circle set up so everyone can communicate and share recipes or life lessons or heartaches. Kerri & I are grateful we are part of this awesome family at JSF and look forward to training here for a long time.fatlosstransformationCONGRATULATIONS JOHN!!!We are so proud of your dedication to your goals and new healthy lifestyle. We couldn’t me more excited to have you as part of the Jeremy Scott Fitness Family!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness


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