Burpee Calculator for Halloween & Holiday Treats

Burpee Calculator for Halloween & Holiday TreatsLook I am NOT saying to never eat candy, I love it just as much as you guys do! However, the average American will eat around 3.4 pounds of candy during the Halloween/Holiday season.Below our coach Monica put together a chart that calculates the equivalent numbers of burpees a person do in order to burn off a fun size piece of candy.Let me be CLEAR HERE: these are fun size portions!We took the average 140lb female and 180lb male for our estimates -burpee calculator  Again, like all things in life moderation is the key. I want you guys to enjoy the holiday season with friends & family but don't tank all your results in the process.Earn your candy - by working your a** when you train and eating a healthy diet of greens and protein 90% off the time.Enjoy and if you have any questions on this let us know.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott FitnessScottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory Author


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