Beast of the Month Chloe Hennick
Beast of the Month Chloe Hennick ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness What brought you to Jeremy Scott Fitness and how long have you been a member?- My mom had seen an ad for JSF and told me about it and I have been a member ever since, for about 2 and a half yearsHow did you feel at the beginning when you joined?- I thought I was in semi-good shape when I started here and also felt like my eating was decent…I didn’t think I needed to make any changes, as I thought what I was doing was “ok” – turns out I wasn’t really, and even if I was, I wanted to be more than just “ok” How do you feel now?- Amazing! I don’t feel skinny; I feel strong! I don’t feel hungry or unsatisfied; I feel full and fueled! I feel eager and excited to train (rather than when I used to dread it)! I feel happy! I feel motivated! I feel the desire to keep going! and I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of digging how I look naked!What have you accomplished since working with Jeremy Scott Fitness?- I have lost approximately 40 pounds and can now fit into clothes that I thought would never see the light of day again! Those things are great, but the best accomplishment I’ve achieved since working with JSF is seeing first hand that I can do anything I set my mind to. Since the day I truly decided I was “all in,” there has been no turning back. We are so much stronger than we think, we just need to fill our minds with positivity rather than doubt. Jeremy has not only helped me accomplish my physical goals but he is a constant (and much needed) reminder that we are so lucky as this life we get to live is a beautiful one at that, most of the world could only be so lucky to have our “worst day” problems, and that we are responsible our own success and happiness! In one word how would you describe Jeremy Scott Fitness?- Addicting (in all the right ways)What advice do you have for others?- Don’t give up; stop waiting for tomorrow, for Monday, for xxx...; and bad day(s) will happen, just don’t let them turn into day weeks! There will be days where you feel like it’s not working – it is! There will be days where you don’t feel like training – do it; you’ll be happy and feel better that you did! There will always be an excuse not to start: a vacation, a birthday, the holidays, blah blah blah – start anyways. I promise there is no better time than now to start, and as soon as you make that decision, you will be so happy you did! But you have to make that decision on your own, and be very honest with yourself. It is not easy, and at times it is not fun, but man oh man it is worth it! And in doing so, there will be times where you “fall off” – that’s ok, just get back on! I used to let cheat meals be cheat days, and then when I had a bad day, I would let that turn into a bad four+ days. Don’t do that. You won’t feel better. However, you will feel super dope if when you do have a bad day, you accept it and take it for what it is, and then get right back on track that very next opportunity!What’s your favorite quote?- “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done!”Stats: I don’t entirely remember what weight I was when I initially started (in October of 2014, I believe) but January 2015 I weighed 160. In January 2015, at the beginning of the first 47 day challenge (which is one of the pictures I submitted), I weight 147. As of last week, I weighed 120 and 16% body fat!Thanky you Chloe for being a rockstar, coming in and crushing in day after day. The hard work and dedication both in the gym & in the kitchen is paying off HUGE! You look amazing we are all more than proud to have you part of this community. Thank you again for being a kick ass example of what you can do if you put in the effort. ~ Team Jeremy Scott Fitness
~Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory