Men's Health Action Hero Jacked Leg Workout

Men's Health Action Hero Jacked Leg Workout I threw together this lower body workout for my homies over at Men's Health Magazine as part of a program I designed called "Action Hero Jacked"This the leg day- lower body dominate session of the program and I am sharing it with all of you here today. See video belowNow this is an advanced session, so please scale the load and volume as needed. The walking lunges for many of you at the end (time wise) will be a test of both mental and physical will. Enjoy and shoot me a message if you give this a try with your thoughts post workout - and how you feel 1-2 days post this session. If you guys want to work with me on a closer level be it 1 on 1, group training or online just reach out I am happy to see what is the best fit for you. Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people. Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Men's Health Magazine Scottsdale Personal Trainer  


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