You are the CEO of your Life

YOU are the CEO of your life……Let me kick this off with one of my favorite quotes….. “I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say “No, I won’t do it, I won’t behave this way anymore. I’m lonely and I need people around me, maybe I need to change my methods of behaving’, and then you do it.” – Leo Buscagila I will say this once again ……YOU are the CEO of your life. By my own personal scientific estimate about 99% of the problems in your life are because of YOU.YOU are the CEO of your life in every arena and facet for better or worse you are the technician, the manager, the accountant, the VP, the CFO, and ultimately CEO of everything.YOU are the CEO of your eating, you and only you are responsible for the things you eat and put into your body.YOU are the CEO of your fitness, you and only you decide to workout or not, to skip the training session or attend it. YOU decide to work at 100% or half ass your training.YOU are the CEO of your bank account; you control your financial status. You control how much money you make, save, and spend daily.YOU are the CEO of your attitude, you decide to wake up in a good mood each day, you decide to be take things in stride, you decide to see things glass half full or half empty.YOU are the CEO of every situation, problem, and event you encounter in this life……YOU can’t control what happens to you but what YOU can control is how you react to those situations.My point to establish you are the boss, you are in complete control of your life so let me ask you a handful of questions…..In 2018 I want to know have YOU……. 

  • Improved the quality of your health?
  • Improved your financial status?
  • Improved your work ethic on the job?
  • Improved your relationship at home with friends, family, loved ones?
  • Improved your eating habits?
  • Improved your overall attitude?
  • Improved the lives of others around you constantly each day?

Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and save your own life, nobody is going to save it for you.You only have 86,400 seconds each day and the time is ticking away seconds by second, day by day…faster then ever. Don’t waste another second of this life blaming someone else for your issues, problems, or situations…YOU are in the driver seatYOU control your futureIf YOU have a dream – YOU need to go out and make it happen…. Go out and #makesuccessmandatoryYOU have the power to do more than you can even imagine is possible, but YOU have decide what kind of life you want to live?Jeremy Scott ~ Make Success MandatoryScottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness


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