My 3 Favorite Exercises for Youth Fitness

My 3 Favorite Exercises for Youth Fitness Youth fitness is starting to become a very popular trend and here at Jeremy Scott Fitness we just incorporated it full time to our schedule!  I thought this would be the perfect time to share what my top three exercises are and why we do them:  1. Throwing a tennis ball off the wall and catching it  2. Assault Bike  3. Farmer Carries  Throwing a tennis ball of the wall and catching it- Now this sounds very simple, but the reason I love this exercise is because you can switch it up to make it easier or harder for each child!  This is great for motor movements and also coordination! Different variations I use include: -Under hand throw catch with both hands -Under hand throw catch with one hand Same for Overhand -Partner tosses off the wall (so now they have to be able to play with a partner) - Single Leg Partner toss (Now they have to balance and work on coordination)  Assault Bike- This tool is great because kids are competitive! Our assault bikes tell you how many calories you have burned while on them and I use this to have competitions with the kids or with themselves!  Farmer Carries – This may be one of the best overall exercises for any age! Farmer carries are so great because they work almost every muscle in your body from your core for stabilizing to your hands for grip strength. If I could only choose one weighted exercise for a youth athlete I would definitely choose farmer carries!  There you have it…. My top 3 exercises I use with my youth athletes!  Until next time …do something active and keep being awesome! Jacob McLaughlin ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Youth Program Lead Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Youth Fitness Camps 


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