14 Things I Told Myself

14 Things I Told Myself.... Long story short I was doing some Spring-cleaning this past weekend and as I was purging all the stuff that collected around our house I found something. I stumbled upon an old note I had written to myself about 6 years ago based on what was written and other junk piled on top of it. I have written myself numerous notes like this over the years at various times in my life as a reminders and calls to action to help keep me on track, motivated and driven towards my goals. This was written to myself about 6 years ago, when we just bought our first house together, just before we (Heather and I) were going to get engaged, and around the time I started expanding my business to doing more online, more public speaking, more cooperate events, and more TV appearances. Now, these might not mean as much to you but to me they help me to not make excuses and just keep pushing through even on the toughest and darkest of days. You can see the full list below and you can also listen to be me go into great detail on the Jeremy Scott Fitness podcast by clicking here. The full list below: 

  1. You have no other options.
  2. You have to make this happen.
  3. Your back is against the wall.
  4. Do something everyday to get better.
  5. You invested in this get 10 X in return.
  6. Ask questions.
  7. Become efficient.
  8. You are 100% responsible.
  9. If someone did it you can do it.
  10. Make it Mandatory.
  11. Exhaust yourself fighting to make it happen.
  12. Be the person you were meant to be.
  13. Be the hardest working mother f*cker in the room.
  14. Demand excellence from yourself.

  This list helped me just as many of the self-letters I have written over the years have. My hopes in sharing it are that it can do the same for you. Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.P.S. – Here is the photo that happened to be jammed inside the folded note, this is me around age 9 ….rocking a sick Jordan sweatshirt….I always had great style.Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott FitnessScottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory


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