Better for Fat Loss Cardio or Weights?

Better for Fat Loss Cardio or Weights?So, we answer a very popular heavily asked question in this episode of the Jeremy Scott Fitness podcast – what is better for fat loss cardio or weights?CLICK HERE to listen to my full breakdown.If you want to be technical aerobic vs. anaerobic exercise is what we are really digging into.If you have wondered what is the best way to spend your time, effort, and energy in the gym is give this a listen.We also chat about the “Fat Burning” zone and if it’s worth your time to be concerned about training in it. Reminder if you dont' already please subscribe to the Podcast: Available on iTunes Google Play Anchor Spotify All 100% FREEUntil next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.Jeremy Scott Fitness PodcastJeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer


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