Breast Explants & YouTube Superstars
Breast Explants & YouTube SuperstarsRecently I had the chance to visit with Dee and Jerry LaVigne on the Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast. Click Here to give this episode a full listen. Now their story is amazing going from working the traditional 9-5 office life to now making an amazing living $$$ by being YouTubers….yes you read that right. Their job is to create YouTube content and its paying off BIG TIME $$$ for them. As we got deeper into the podcast we dive into Dee’s personal struggles and illness brought on by her breast implants. She is an open book talking about her explants and the entire breast removal surgery process with us and all the E.R. visits and dark days leading up to it. I think you guys will enjoy this episode on many levels and if you have additional questions after you listen to the episode just reach out. Click Here to enjoy the full interview. (reminder the Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast is on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Anchor and all major podcast outlets 100% free when you subscribe) Until next time at well, train hard & be nice to people.Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer