Getting Fitter As You Age
Getting Fitter as you get older?
YES …believe the title!
My homie and fellow fitness pro Travis Merritt wrote an amazing blog post on getting fitter as we age and I dug deep into his thoughts on one of recent podcasts CLICK HERE to listen.
Now as Travis stated I will paraphrase here…
Does it feel like when you got into your 30s-40s-50’s that all of a sudden, your body just started slowly crapping out?
Your knees and ankles sound like someone popping bubble wrap when you get up in the morning, and when it gets colder, it’s worse.
Instead of alcohol hangovers, you get food hangovers that seem to last for DAAAAAAYS.
When you try to work out everything hurts and not in a good way, everything is harder than you remember, and what’s worse is nothing is happening.
You try to eat well, try to work out, but it just feels that no matter what you do, your body is fighting you?
I’m here to tell you that your not alone and what your feeling is normal for many people.
Over the year’s we see that people FEEL they have peaked in their 20’s, but that’s quite far from the truth. We continuously see that when people do commit to changing their bodies, they far surpass what they could do, and looked like, in their 20’s
We see more people peaking in their 40’s-50’s than in their 20’s.
CLICK HERE to learn more and know at Jeremy Scott Fitness we specialize on meeting you where you are at and helping get into the best overall shape of your life regardless of age.
Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.
P.S. – Any questions on this podcast or anything we offer here at JSF please just give me a holler.
Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer