Breast Cancer Survivor - Trish Stinson
Breast Cancer Survivor – Trish Stinson JSF Athlete Ok guys I will keep this quick – we recently did a in-depth podcast review with one of our rock star JSF athletes Trish Stinson - where she shares her story about battling breast cancer CLICK HERE to listen her episode on the Jeremy Scott Fitness podcast. Trish is a Star Trek & Star Wars Geek – a devoted dog, and overall just a pretty amazing human. We dig into her story of being diagnosis with stage 3-breast cancer – the hundreds of treatments, surgeries, and toll it takes on a person both physically and mentally. I learned way more than I even thought and I feel many of you will be the same CLICK HERE and give this episode a listen. Most of us if not all of us know someone personally who has been affected by this diseases, and if nothing else this episode will help you have more perspective and gratitude in your life for your health and happiness.Any questions for Trish you can find her HERE - or at Trish Stinson on Linkedin & FB. Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory