The Little Things Aren’t Little
The Little Things Aren’t Little ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast Happy Sunday peeps….We miss all you guys, seeing you each week, training, sharing inappropriate jokes LOL and everything else that comes with being together.That actually promoted me to drop this podcast titled “The Little Things Aren’t Little” CLICK HERE to listen.Just my thoughts on gratitude, perspective and realizing the things we truly miss and probably took for granted prior to this zombie apocalypse we are still stuck in (although I do feel we are hopefully on the back 9 of this ride fingers crossed)Some cliffs note from the episode –My we never again take for granted:Friday nights with friends…Birthday Celebrations…The roar of a stadium…Mornings at the gym…Happy Hours…Coffee dates…And honestly just “normal” life it self…I hope you guys enjoy the episode and know we are excited for the day we can all kick it together when it is safe and we all feel comfortable to do so.I will keep you all updated as know more moving in May – and I will be sharing all the new protocols, steps and timelines in the future when we do decide to open things back up here in AZ.For now keep crushing the online training all you amazing 47-Day Transformation and Inner Circle members you guys have been awesome.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people. Jeremy Scott Scottsdale Personal Trainer Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast ~ Make Success Mandatory Author