BJ Gaddour Raw & Uncut

BJ Gaddour Raw & Uncut episode 447 of the Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast New Podcast Episode with the Sultan of Sweat himself the one and only BJ Gaddour. CLICK HERE to give this episode a full listen. Warning: This podcast gets real quickly with colorful language and real life stories. This is hands down the most open podcast we have put out. We dig into all things health & fitness, including mental health on the deepest levels. Let me add BJ is without question as good as it gets when it comes to this thing we call health & fitness.   I won’t go on about his lengthy accolades as the man has seen it all and done it all over the past 15 years living and breathing the fitness game.  What I will say is …..there wouldn’t be a Jeremy Scott Fitness as you know it without his help along the way, nobody has influenced my professional career more than this man right here. He is not only a unicorn fitness pro but a uniquely special human and I am proud to call him a friend. Health and Fitness Enthusiasts, Business Owners, Fitness Professionals and Newbies on their fitness journey all of you can learn something valuable from this episode. Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people. Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast 


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