40 Years & 40 Life Lessons

40 Years & 40 Life Lessons Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ "I'm a man, I'm 40" Mike Gundy Over the last few years I have updated a blog on my Birthday dropping what I like to call some “real life knowledge bombs” I think could help you guys live a more meaningful life.CLICK HERE to listen to this full episode via the Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast. Like every year to say 2023 didn’t go 100% exactly to plan would an understatement. Some of it went a little better, some of it went much worse…..I guess that’s what life is about taking your problems head on and kicking the sh*t out of them and in turn becoming a better version of YOU afterwards!Every Year On August 13th I always….Scroll through my life on social media and see all the places I have been, the cool things I have done, and people I have met in the past 364 days….it still amazes me how bad a** my life really is, blessed does not even begin to do it justice I am thankful every day I can wake up and live this life!I start thinking about all the mistakes I have made and lessons I have learned these past 38 years and it makes me want to share them with you all and maybe, just maybe they might help you through some obstacles, tough times, or just let you see the world through different eyes for a minute….my eyes.39 Year & 39 Life Lessons

  1. I don’t believe in luck I believe in opportunity and how well you are prepared for those opportunities when they arise, even people who play the lottery have to go buy a ticket.
  2. Life is not fair, the sooner you realize it the better.
  3. Always tell the truth even if it’s not what people want to hear, they will be better off for it in the long run.
  4. Train as if the whole world is watching you and see if it doesn’t help you kick a** in your next workout session.
  5. Don’t focus on your problems, focus on the solutions to fix those problems it will save you precious time.
  6. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere –I stopped worrying about 99% of my problems years ago, and I am a much happier person because of it.
  7. Don’t wait for things to happen, because they NEVER will, you need to get off your a** and go make them happen.
  8. The best time to start changing your eating and training habits is right NOW.
  9. Never compare how you look to others you see in magazines, on TV, or in the gym – we are all dealt a different genetic card and our own personal bests and ideals will differ widely.
  10. I read once “you are the average of the 5 people you associate with the most” I think back on my life and look at my life now and find this to be scary…..and TRUE!
  11. You can’t help people unless they are willing to help themselves; I have found that you can’t want to reach someone’s goals more than they do.
  12. There is no MAGIC PILL – hard work and clean eating trumps all, so buckle up for a tough ride and enjoy the journey to a better body and a better life.
  13. Educating yourself is the best investment you can make.

14.Get out of your comfort zone, doing something we are uncomfortable is difficult at 1st and in certain cases it always is. However, the best personal growth I have ever made, physically, socially, emotionally, is stepping way beyond my comfort zone.

  1. Instead of bitc*hing about what you don’t have, sit back and appreciate all the things you do have odds are it’s much more than you think.

16.Under promise and over deliver – never make promises you can’t keep.

  1. At least once a year get wasted drunk with your best friends!
  2. Set goals with deadlines on them accountability is a powerful tool if you use it correctly.
  3. There is more to life than fitness competitions, photos shoots, and working out. Your life is about balance the better you can manage it the happier and more well-rounded you will be.
  4. If you care about people and you love them, tell them and tell them often because they won’t be around forever.
  5. Odds are you won’t regret the things you did do, but more likely the things you didn’t do.
  6. Never compromise who you are for what you want to be or where you are trying to go, the most valuable character trait you have is your integrity so hold on to it tightly.
  7. My greatest success so far in life have come after taking huge risks, diving into the unknown with a 50/50 chance at best of failure. It’s in those sink or swim moments you find out what kind of person you really are.
  8. It’s never too late to start anything; I don’t care if you 19 or 97 you have the rest of your life to pursue your dreams and passions. Almost anything is possible if you want it bad enough and are willing to work your a*s off for it.
  9. Don’t live your life in the rearview, you can’t change what happened last week, last month, or last year get over it and move forward or you will miss what is happening right now.
  10. Cardio sucks!
  11. If you are lucky enough to find a beautiful woman who can deal with you and all your issues, hold onto her, appreciate her, and tell her you love her daily – love you Heather!
  12. Treat people exactly how you would want to be treated every single day of your life.
  13. Enjoy your health; understand it’s the most precious gift you will ever be given.
  14. See your life for what it is, not worse than it is, but instead see it for exactly what it is. If you can do that which many people can’t I will ask you to take it one step further and see your life better than it is. It’s that “mindsight” that vision that belief in yourself, that internal demand you put on yourself that nobody else can that allows you to create any life you choose to live. Start building a life, your own life and stop just living one!
  15. How you spend your time is more important than the money you have in the bank. Spend your time doing what you love, enjoy and are passionate about each and every day. It’s never too late to start really loving & living your life. Think about it: What’s more important to you how you spend your money or how you spend your time?
  16. Have sincere gratitude every day you wake up. Take at least a few minutes each day to be mindful of your blessing. Understand most of the world would love to have your “luxury” problems – the reality is 2/3 of the world lives on about $2 per day……millions of people would drink your toilet water because its cleaner than their current option…. understand you have so much more than so many others – find gratitude -practice gratitude and watch your life change!
  17. Don’t rush the seasons…. in life we get anxious and impatient constantly chasing the future. We become so focused on the season ahead we miss the season we are in (with friends, family, kids, career) You can’t rush life, take the seasons as they come, enjoy them while they are here and be ready when your season to shine arrives.
  18. We are all very similar from the richest to the poorest and the struggling to the most “successful.” None of us really has life figured out, there isn’t one magic day you wake up and suddenly you “get it.” All of us including myself are deep down inside just a kid playing adult; it’s a lifelong process of failing, learning, and improving. So, if you feel like right now you are lost, unsure, scared or don’t know what you should be doing with your life? Trust me you are not alone, every single one of us feels it now and then, it’s what makes you real human.
  19. Enjoy the present & everyday as the massive gift it is. Don’t always fixate on the future and please don’t live in the past. We must enjoy today RIGHT NOW even the tough days because the journey is life. Our life is not just weekends, vacations, parties, and special events…sure that makes up 10-20% of it. But the bulk of our existence is the “other stuff” in the middle the 80-90% is your normal M-F routine. So, work a job you love, spend time with people you enjoy and make sure you are doing shit you love every day. Start focusing more on enjoying and loving the 80-90% of your life…things like the random Wednesday night with your wife or Thursday afternoon with your kids. STOP working for the weekend and START loving the everyday even the weekdays if you do that your whole life will change for the better.
  20. Do things today for yourself that YOU 5-10-15-20-25 years from now will thank you for. This applies to paying off debt today if you can, investing in your retirement savings, making foam rolling and mobility a daily practice even when you are not sore. Changing your eating habits, drinking habits, and sleeping habits so you can live the healthiest, happiest life possible today… but also decades from now. The basic phrase: if you will make the sacrifices now that most people won’t, later on you will be able to live a life that those folks will never be able to live. IF YOU LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE, LATER YOU LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE.
  21. It’s ok to NOT be ok. It’s ok to be SAD. It’s ok to have Bad Days. I have been there in 2020 more than anyone of you will ever know…the key was I didn’t sit in the corner and cry. These rough days only affirmed how powerful the human spirit is when it comes to fight or flight. We have a choice to fight and rise up through the sh*t in our way or we can fly away and hid in self pitty. I found out the more you are willing to fight the stronger you will become…at least that’s been my personal experience this year.
  22. Nothing is really ours in this life. Your house, your car, your clothes, your jewelry, all your material possessions even if you “own” them like I “own my house outright paid in full years ago” -It’s only mine for the moment because I will die and someone else will live there. And my legacy on this earth will not be remembered or defined by the material possessions and things I acquired. These things don’t drive me, motivated me, or give me any real purpose or fulfillment. All we really own in this life is moments in time – this is my time in history to create experiences, help others, give back and make memories with those I enjoy & love being around. I have been given some natural gifts and worked my ass off to acquire other skills and feel it would be sad and tragic if I wasted those gifts just trying to acquire things and status to boost my own ego and not use these gifts and skills to make the world a better place.
  23. Be the Person Bob Ross Would want you to be ~ What I mean is give people grace and look at your life as well as the lives of others through different lenses. Often, we are quick to judge and criticize others for thoughts, views, and actions without having context. We don’t know what they are carrying physically, mentally, emotionally each day. We don’t know what type of situation they just came from our what they must go home to. Now I am not saying give everyone a free pass to be an a**hole to you, but I am asking you to think a little deeper before you judge and react. We need to stop judging others on these little snap shots of their life, as we all have at least a handful of moments we would never wish to be judged on and would most likely take back if we could. So, give people some grace, stop with the snap judgments, and be a more empathic human to others.
  24. You don’t have time to do it all, as Blink 182 said “life is too short to last long.” Odds of you being a billionaire, with 6 kids happily married, having under 5% body-fat, volunteering 2 days a week, never losing touch with your friends all while winning parent of the year and keeping great work life balance is zero %. It's not happening, you can’t do it all. I realize that I won’t be able to do everything and master all things I want to before my time is done …and that’s ok. Everything comes with a cost be it money, time, effort, or a combo of each. The key is being very selective with my time. Focusing on what matters most to me and what brings me the greatest amount of happiest and meaning in my life. Pick your spots and make the best choices you can based on what your gut, heart and mind is telling you. Because you don’t have time to do it all my friends.

 Many times, we get so caught up in our little world we forget what is really important and what matters most. Enjoy the journey because that’s what it’s all about, the laughs, the cries, the accomplishments, the failures, and everything in between along the way.Thank you all who read and support the things I put out here at Jeremy Scott Fitness. Hopefully a few of these things inspire you or at least make you view things a little differently.If you truly want to give me a Birthday gift, simply share this blog post and podcast with your circle it just might make the difference in their day and life they have been waiting for.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.Jeremy Scott Fitness PodcastJeremy Scott ~Scottsdale Personal Trainer  


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