New Coach at JSF

Welcome Meredith Gray to the Jeremy Scott Fitness team starting mid June 2024.
Meredith Gray, B.S. NASM CPT 
Meredith is a fitness professional from North Carolina with a passion for movement and nutrition. She has been a coach for 6 years and believes in using movement as a tool for a stronger body AND mind.
Meredith describes her training style as simple, but effective while mastering the basics. She loves coaching her clients through resistance training to gain strength, mobility and confidence to enhance every aspect of their lives.
Meredith works with adult classes, 1:1 clients and athletes to achieve their goals in an encouraging environment.
She has worked with hundreds of clients to transform their life and has accumulated some amazing testimonials along the way.
She has success stories for clients working towards muscle gain, weight loss, and training intelligently around injuries. When Meredith is not coaching in JSF, you can find her off exploring the trails, reading, or enjoying time with friends & family.   

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