Top Bodyweight Exercises to Build Muscle and Burn Fat Anywhere
My Favorite Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight exercises can be incredibly effective for building muscle, especially if you don't have access to a gym or prefer to train at home.
My Top 3 bodyweight exercises to build muscle:
These exercises can be modified to increase intensity, and they work well for targeting all major muscle groups.
#1 Walking Lunges & Reverse Lunges
Muscles worked: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
Why it Made the List: Lunges work the lower body unilaterally, improving balance and coordination while also building muscle.
#2 Push-Ups
Muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, triceps, core
Why it Made the List: Push-ups are a fundamental bodyweight exercise that targets the upper body (Pec - Shoulders - Triceps)
You can adjust hand placement (wide, narrow) to target different areas.
#3 Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
Muscles worked: Back (lats), biceps, shoulders, forearms
Why it Made the List: Pull-ups and chin-ups are the gold standard for upper body pulling movements. They target your back and arms, helping you build size, strength and definition.
These in order are the bodyweight exercises I program the most into my personal training. If you are on a limited budget with limited space and limited time you could utilize these 3 exercises in hundreds of different variations and protocols to build size, strength, endurance and one hell of a physique.
We use all of these basic foundational movements with our clients inside the JSF App HERE and also with our in person coaching clients in Scottsdale with great results.
If you need some help with your programming, want a little extra coaching or wish to join an amazing community working with us hit the Start Training button and lets chat more about your goals.
As always any questions just ask I am happy to answer.
Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.