NPC Powerhouse Classic - Jeremy Scott Prolab Sponsored Athlete

Recently I took a trip to Detroit to compete in the 2012 NPC Simmons Peckham Powerhouse Classic. My Mother has never seen me on stage before so I thought it would be a nice trip to take.Overall it was a great time, had a chance to visit some family meet some new friends, eat some pizza, and enjoy some nice Midwest weather in March….which is very rare.

- Janet and I after the show -

I didn’t end up winning the show, which really doesn’t mean anything to me at the end of the day. I trained my ass off, kept the diet tight and showed up in amazing shape rocked some poses and as always the judges score it as they see it.What most people probably don’t know is you have about 10 seconds…..that’s right 10 seconds to take center stage hit your poses and walk off – not a lot of time I know. All the work you put into training and nutrition comes down to about 10 seconds. Now there are “call outs” where they compare guys side by side, front to back, and so on…..but my point is judging these things can be hard…..I always joke backstage with everyone and say “man all you guys are ripped up, I wish some of you would have come out of shape”… my eyes there are usually 10 guys who are ripped and could win on any given day!

"Call Outs - Back Pose"

So, win lose or draw if you sold out to your training and nutrition plan – you have nothing to be upset about because you are NEVER really competing with anyone but YOURSELF! Regardless if you place 1st or last your-self image and perception of how you look should not be shaken by a score card. Nor should you think you are Arnold if you happen to place 1st. 

-A little leg shot taken before the spray tan -

The reason I compete is NOT to become a Pro, NOT because I love being on stage as the center of attention, NOT because I love standing next to a bunch of other guys in shorts or underwear in spray tans, for me it’s about setting goals to eat and train my hardest –it helps me stay motivated to do more and be better day after day. The reality is when you sign up to compete you are signing up to be judged for better or for worse, and with everything in life it’s how you look at it, glass half full is how I try to take everything!

"Back Pose Pre-Judging"

Every show I compete in I always make new friends, learn some new things nutrition and training wise, see some crazy weird things people do to prepare to compete, more importantly I come out of my shell more and more, I am much more talkative and outgoing than my “normal life”….. Being on stage half naked in front of hundreds of people will do that to you…..give it a try if you don’t believe me.

Chris and Rob right before we take the stage of the evening show!

I posted a quick video of some clips getting ready for the show and on stage. If you guys want to check out the Members Section - I am going to have a very detailed video blog of the nutrition and training plan I have used this year – stay tuned!!!Thanks to Prolab for their amazing products and support, also thanks to Dave and Ben for training with me day after day, BIG thanks to Ben Novak for the nutrition plan I followed which made my life super easy and helped me get into this condition. If you have ever doubted the power of our nutrition programs and the things Ben tells you guys to eat, just watch the video and see the photos – it WORKS! I urge you all to challenge yourself and do something outside your comfort zone; it doesn’t have to be competing or even fitness related, just do something new.

I do want to share this quote with you guys, I heard it from a guy backstage and it stuck with me:

“Last Place On Stage, Beats 1st Place In The Crowd Any Day”

So, get out of the crowd and challenge yourself to be better today!!!

Jeremy Scott –Prolab Sponsored Athlete –


Matt Browne - 4th Coast Fitness Guest Blog - Jeremy Scott Fitness -


Member of the Month - Shannon Corgan - Jeremy Scott Fitness