Facebook T-Shirt Contest - Jeremy Scott Fitness

Jeremy Scott Fitness –Facebook T-Shirt Contest

Who: Jeremy Scott Fitness –Facebook Page

What: Jeremy Scott Fitness T-Shirt Contest

When: Posts Starting June 18th – June 24th – Finals 25th-26th

Where: Anyone connected to our Jeremy Scott Fitness Facebook Page

Prizes: 1st Place $100 – New Line of JSF Gear- FREE Training and more…

The Official Rules

Ok guys here is a super simple way to walk away with some cash and prizes for having a little fun with Jeremy Scott Fitness & Facebook!1. Take a photo of yourself wearing a Jeremy Scott Fitness t-shirt, it can be serious, it can be funny, creative, working out, eating, with a cool landscape, famous location, taken with friends, take it anyway you like.2. Post it on facebook on your personal page and be sure to “tag” us “Jeremy Scott Fitness” in the status and the photo.3. Share the page with as many friends as possible on facebook. The top 5 photos will make the finals on June 24th and be loaded onto www.jeremyscottfitness.com where there will be a final facebook vote June 25-26th to choose the Grand Prize Winner on June 26th.Photos will be judged on “Likes” “Shares” Originality and Pure Awesomeness! The sooner you load your photos and share it with friends the more “likes” and “shares” you can get, which will only help your chances. See some examples below to get some ideas.Please note you may post a photo you have previously taken, as long as you follow Rules 1-3 as instructed above.

Hurry and head over to our facebook page today and get started - Jeremy Scott Fitness - 


Youth Fitness Transformation - Jeremy Scott Fitness


Gabrielle Becker - Jeremy Scott Fitness Member of the Month