Fat Loss Contest for Cash Starting July 11th- Jeremy Scott Fitness
Team Jeremy Scott Fitness Drop a Dress and Pants Size in 20 Days!!!
Looking to beat the heat and reach a new fitness goal for the summer this is it!
Starts July 11th to July 30th - 50% of the prize money goes back to you guys! Last year the winning team walked away with over $1,200, this could be you!If you guys love pushing your own limits and competing against and others this is for you!!!Winning team of 2 will split the prize money –The more participants, the BIGGER THE WINNING PRIZE! You and a partner – Teams of 2 If you don’t have a partner we will do our best to find you for this!!
- Weigh-ins, Measurements, and Overall Appearance Change
- Get nutritional outline for 20 days
- Teams must be named by July 11th
- See “Rules Below” for complete details
Cost: $99 per Non-Member - $69 for JSF Members
Contest Starts on September July 11th |
Contest Ends July 30th- 20 Day to drop a dress or pants size guaranteed -Cash prize for the winning team- half of all the entry money!Compete with or against your friends, family, and co-worker!!Note: 50% of this cost goes directly into the prize pool! Teams of 2 requiredWinning Team will be selected by appearance change, measurements, and fat lossYou select a fitness camp time that works best for you and come in and work your ass off MWF or Tuesday and Thursday.If you are interested please contact us ASAP – spots are limited so grab your partner and come in today!Email back at: jeremyscottfitness@hotmail.comPhone: 605-481-2611